Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A night of freedom

Last night was the first night in 9 months that I didn't wear a bra! Hurrah! I know that might seem a little odd and silly, but having to wear a nursing bra constantly for that long is just annoying. There were a few times I didn't wear one, and waking up wet and cold really is not nice. So I thought I would see how I go - there have been some nights where I still wake up with full and leaking boobs, but have been feeling quite soft lately. No leaking! I felt more comfortable all night too. I'm sure that I will still have some times when I leak, but I will try to go sans bra at night from now on. Of course I will still wear the nursing pads during the day, I am too paranoid about leaking if I go out in public or if people are over. But it is a step in the direction of weaning Charlotte. My plan is to continue until she is close to one years old as she can drink normal cows milk at that point. I don't feel quite ready to stop breastfeeding her right now - it is still lovely when she is quiet and feeding well. But I am definitely beginning to look forward to stopping! Especially when she is not really into the feed, and wants to crawl all over me (while she is still feeding, really uncomfortable). And I have to laugh when she becomes fascinated in my nipple, and wants to play with it. I know that it is recommended for babies to BF until they are 2, but I just don't feel able to do that. But I will enjoy these next few months, especially the freedom at night!

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