Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Some bleeding

Well I've had a rough day. I woke up at 4.30 for another pee stop and found some bleeding. I then freaked out, and spent the next few hours lying there crying. I just couldn't stop, and had so many negative thoughts in my head. I felt -empty - and just not pregnant.

So in the morning I called my specialist and got into see him. He was really good about it and did a scan and the bubs is looking ok. We saw it wiggling away and it even waved at us! But he can see where I've bled - I seem to be popping arteries in my uterus and so having small bleeds. He thinks I'll be fine, but advised me to take it easy, no "nookies" (his words), etc. He also prescribed me half a Valium as it relaxes the uterus. He reckons I could work and function with that but I took one this arvo and was instantly a zombie. He also recommended a glass of wine with dinner as it too relaxes the uterus. Goodo, I can take that medicine! Plus to increase the hormones I'm already on which means 4 pessaries a day. I really don't know if I can keep taking the Valium but I think he only wanted me to do it for a few days.

So I've had a sleep this arvo, James took Charlotte out for an outing so I had the place to myself. She wasn't sleeping at nap time and I just needed to sleep! I still feel like a basket case and can't seem to stop crying still. I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow even though my FS did suggest taking some time off, but I've only got two weeks left, and have clients booked in etc. (yes I know, after my last post, my manager offered me two more weeks which of course I accepted). I guess I'll just have to take it easy. I'm feeling pretty fragile emotionally. I haven't had any more bleeding since this morning but I think knowing that there was one is quite stressful.

I wish this was easier!

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