Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our crazy Irish doctor

Today we went to see our OB, Sile for the first time. I just love her, she is a crazy Irish lady. The care she gave us with Charlotte was wonderful and I know she will do the same again.

We had another scan straight up and saw bubs wriggling away. It even waved at us which was lovely. But she could see another bleed under the placenta. Sile couldn't tell if the placenta was sitting low or not though so I guess we will see that at the nuchal fold scan next week. The heart beat was 149.

We talked about medications and she thinks I should stay on the cyklopropan until about week 16, finish off the pessaries I've got but go to one a day, and stay on the metformin probably for the whole pregnancy. She wasn't too happy about the dose of prednisone I was on and thought it may even be contributing to the bleeds which has got me a little bit upset. So she gave me a script for zofran and wants me to wean off it. Sile also said that I should be taking it 4 times a day rather than all at once so I will start doing that today. I guess this is the differences between doctors. Warren assured me it was safe to take but I guess he is the IVF expert, and my OB is the baby expert. I haven't vomited in nearlya week though so it has been such a blessing.

She has also put me back onto digoxin which is a heart medication as I am getting a few tachycardia's. When I mentioned it she just gave me a look - I think I'm going to be trouble. And she wasn't too happy with my BP. It was 130/70 which is pretty good for me but Sile really is a stickler for low bp, low blood sugars etc. She has told me before about a patient of hers who stroked out literally in front of her with a bp of 150/100 and I think once she has seen it happen to one person, she knows it can happen to others.

So I asked about work and James said that he doesn't want me to go back, and she said I should be listening to him. She was actually prepared to write me a medical certificate but I don't need it, so I guess she was serious. I'm not on bed rest or anything, but I think she wants me to take it easy.

Then we talked about whether I have a c/s or a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean). I said I wasn't sure at which she said we could see how I go but she wouldn't induce me or speed up labour. She then went on to say that she has seen some VBAC's go horribly wrong, and the consequences were horrific. As soon as she said that I was happy to go with the c/s. She then went on to say that baby's are too precious at which I have to agree. I know that some people can go through VBAC's ok, and she even said that, but for every dozen that are fine that one that goes wrong undoes all the good. And knowing my luck, things will go wrong!

So it was actually quite a full on appointment. I got a bit teary at one point. Sile was trying to reassure me that at this point it is unlikely that things will go wrong, at which point I mentioned my sister. I know things can go wrong. So I think she understands where I'm coming from.

But it was a good appointment. We were there for a quite a while and she has made me feel like we are in good hands. Our next appointment is in 4 weeks barring any issues!

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