Friday, July 16, 2010


We are UTDTPO (up the duff till proven otherwise!). I have been a bit late in writing this but I'm still not feeling fantastic. We made it to ET on Thursday and were so anxious. Last time I was feeling good at this point only to be told all the embryo's were bad. This time the scientist walked in and said "its good news!". Two of the embies were quite advanced and at the morula stage, one was an 8 cell compacting (nearly a morula) one was only a 4 cell and probably wouldn't make it and the other had stopped growing. But 2 good ones is fantastic plus one to freeze!!
Warren then came in and did his whole routine (I have to say ahh etc when the speculum goes in, sing a song and goodness knows what else). It's a good thing I was high on Valium! I spent the rest of the day sleeping as Charlotte was at daycare which was such a blessing. Although I still felt groggy by the time we picked her up. And she had had a good day at daycare without much tears at all which was such a relief!

So now I begin the TWW. I am getting a few OHSS symptoms so I don't think I will do the pregnyl shot this evening since it was that which tipped me over last time. I am already symptom spotting - this morning I was changing Charlotte's nappy when I puked everywhere. I'm sure it is too early for MS but it still makes me think. All three of us seem a bit run down with a cold at the moment so I think it was just that. Plus all the tablets still make me sick. I am literally on 20 tablets a day, 3 pessaries, and 1 needle and am finding it a bit overwhelming. Still, only 2 weeks left!

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