Monday, July 12, 2010

Sore and swollen

I am sore and swollen today after EPU yesterday. I guess it went as well as can be expected. My FS was running late though so I was getting quite anxious before I even went in. Then when I was lying on the table while they were putting the cannula in, I started to cry. I just didn't want to do it, and I don't want to do it anymore. This is a big thing to feel like this. I know I have said a few times that it would be the last time but I guess I didn't really feel it in my heart. Well now I do.
I fell asleep really quickly and before you know it I was in recovery. At first the pain wasn't too bad, about a 2 or 3 out of 10. But then it got worse quite quickly. I couldn't help myself and I was soon in tears. The nursing staff were good though and kept giving me some pain relief until it was under control. It didn't help that my BP was up to 170/100. It is always a good way to freak nurses out that.
Warren came to see me while I was a bit teary. He said it went well and we had gotten 15 eggs. I've learnt from past experiences not to be too excited about that, more concerned about OHSS. They hung some albumin just in case. I spent quite a bit longer in recovery than normal due to the pain and my BP and I just wasn't feeling good. The nurses kept saying how pale I was. I finally got up about 3 hours later and James was waiting in recovery for me with a lovely bunch of flowers. Pity I was feeling too sick to really care, but they are lovely today!
So after alot of rest I am starting to feel a little bit better. Still very sore and last night wasn't very pleasant. I had some endone left over from my c/s so I guiltily took that and it was a blessing! I can feel that bloated feeling from my ovaries so I hope that that goes down, and I still feel quite sick and groggy.
I called the clinic this morning and from the 15 eggs, 9 were fertilised and we now have 5 embryo's. I just hope and pray that by ET we still have at least 2 (but preferably 5) that are viable.
I'm trying not to think about what is to come and what may happen. I just want to get through one day at a time now and wait until Thursday for ET.

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