Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another year down

It is my birthday tomorrow, I am another year older. I am really starting to feel old now. We were at the bottle shop the other day when the (young) attendant remarked on James shirt - a vintage style "the Goodies". He said how cool it was, and surely it would be worth a fortune! We laughed and I said that he would have been too young to remember them. His response - "They show repeats on foxtel". Of course they do.
Anyway tomorrow I am looking forward to celebrating being old with my gorgeous family. We are going to a local restaurant for dinner. I actually can't wait to take Charlotte out and of course I am looking forward to a nice meal! Hopefully she behaves herself and doesn't chuck a tantrum. We have had quite a few the last few days. Unfortunately though she has also been a bit sick (and so have I). She has had some high temps but otherwise seems ok. I got very worried on Thursday when her temp was 39.1. She was really lethargic so I gave her some panadol and put her in a cool bath. Since then her temp has gone up and down. But she doesn't have a sniffly nose, she isn't pulling her ears, and she is eating ok. I hope that it is teething and will pass, but it is still a bit worrying.
After this weekend we are going on a health kick. No more wine, sweet things, or treats. I will go back on the metformin too. I really need to do this, I have put on so much weight - it is really disheartening. And my cycle is all over the place. AF finally arrived this week, 10 days late. It was doing my head in. I did 2 pregnancy tests, and really kept obsessing over it. I guess it means that the PCOS is getting worse so the metformin should help with that.
Well I best head to bed since Charlotte will probably wake up during the night. That would be a wonderful birthday present if she slept in!

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