Thursday, February 23, 2012

I've lost a year

I've lost a year. No, not from a tumour induced amnesia, but time has passed so quickly. Angus turned 11 months a few days ago. That means it is only one month until his birthday. I truly can't believe that I am starting to plan 1st his birthday party.

I started to write a post a month ago about what he is doing, but then got distracted and never finished it. So much has happened for him. We are at that delightful stage where every day, he does something new.

The day of Charlotte's birthday he began pulling himself up to standing. A few days later he was cruising. He was tentative at first, but now he walks around the furniture, walls, anything really. And he has, only once or twice, begun to let go and stand unaided. Of course now he can stand he can also reach things so the bookcases are getting a work out and he loves to try and grab the fan.

Given that he was cruising, I really didn't think that he would bother to start all fours crawling. He had been commando crawling for quite some time and was very proficient at it. Especially on the tiles he would just scoot along. However this month he has started to properly crawl. It may have helped that he escaped outside; and commando crawling on the pavers would have been a bit painful.

His personality is really starting to shine through. Generally he is a happy little boy. We now have big waves, a cute little hand wave, and also clapping. He loves playing with toys and will amuse himself for ages. His favourite thing to do is push the buttons on one of his toys which makes music. Except it doesn't make music every time you push it, only every second time. So he will push it twice quickly, stand up and have a bop to the music, then when it stops he quickly pushes it twice again.

I am also learning that he is sensitive. If you tell him “NO” because he has done something naughty, he will immediately screw up his little face and start crying. It's hard to stay mad at him when he makes such a cute face. 

Angus still isn't talking though. There are more and more words that consistenly sound like a word. He definitely says "Dad", and occassionally "Cat". It sounds like he is saying "look" when he grabs something and I thought he may have said remote when grabbing the tv remote but that is probably my imagination. Today we were singing a nursery rhyme and once I stopped he continued babbling along in the tune which was very cute and impressive. Still no "Mum" though.

Sleep wise I think he has improved. He is sleeping through on the odd occasion. But mostly he is up at midnight, 2 am, then usually 5.30am. It's no wonder I'm tired. We've also dropped his morning nap as he really only seemed to need one daytime nap.

Feeding is still an issue. After seeing the paediatrician, we stopped giving him dairy and saw an immediate improvement in his vomiting (in that it stopped). So we are continuing with the lactose free formula. I have dropped to only 2 day breastfeeds and one night time one which is good for me. I probably should just stop altogether but I like doing it. Otherwise he is still having 3 meals a day (usually weetbix for breakfast; avocado or vegemite sandwich for lunch; and dinner). I feel terrible but lately I've been buying the packets of baby food for dinner. I just don't have the energy, or the inclination, to make up his own meals. Where we have leftovers, (and it's something he'll eat) he is getting our meals but otherwise it is the packets. I know that there is nothing wrong with it, but it is one of the things that I never wanted to do on a regular basis. Still, he put on 400gm last month which is a big improvement and bumps him up to the 10th percentile again.

Right now we are having a terrible time with teething – well I think it is teething. Last month his 5th tooth appeared without any warning whatsoever so I have to think he is working on the others. He has terrible dirty nappies (and I think he has developed thrush) and is not sleeping great at night, but he is happy during the day.

I love that every day brings something new. And I can't wait for his party! Time to celebrate a difficult year, even if it has gone quickly.

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