Thursday, December 22, 2011

Not what I wanted to hear

Right well, where to start. We saw the neurosurgeon yesterday.

His viewpoint was that the tumour is slow growing, it isn't life threatening, and that I should have a repeat MRI in 6 months and take it from there. He said that the dizziness is caused by compression of the vestibular neurons (not the actual nerve), and it likely played a part in the pregnancy, but he wasn't so sure about the nausea and fatigue. I acknowledged all that, then promptly burst into tears. I told him that I am not coping with this dizziness at all. So then he explained more the risks of surgery.

There are two approaches. The retro-sigmoid approach goes through the back of the skull but is risky as you have to avoid major arteries, the cerebellum and a few other things. He didn't seem keen to do that. Plus I have read on Dr Google there is a large risk that you will develop ongoing headaches.

The second goes through the auditory canal which is safer on surrounding structures but I would be guaranteed to lose hearing and the balance nerve would be affected (which he said you may recover balance after a period of time). He didn't seem all that encouraging about either option, and I *think* he was implying that it may or may not help my symptoms.

So from his viewpoint, I wait and see and just live with the symptoms, or I risk surgery and all of it's risks. The thought of going deaf is sickening. The thought of living with constant dizziness is sickening. I just don't know what to do.

He has referred me on to a radiosurgeon to talk about gamma knife radiation which I don't know much about. So that appointment is next year. He thought that may be a good solution.

I am not sure what I made of his bedside manner. I don't think he was prepared to deal with a bawling wreck and asked if I thought I was depressed. I think I might be. His solution was pills, stop breastfeeding (not happy about that), and a daily walk to the pub to get a gin and tonic (his definition of exercise).

Last night I had to take half a valium just to calm down. I am so frustrated that no-one seems to take the balance issues seriously. When I think back I have been feeling sick for nearly 2 years. I hear people complain about morning sickness that lasts a few weeks, well imagine it for years and years with no relief in sight!

I know that I can get a second opinion, however I also know that on some level he is right. I need to wait and see if the tumour grows. I was prepared to wait until April so a little bit longer isn't that big a deal. I need to weigh up the risks so I'm trying to do some proper research into it and might take a trip up to the uni and use their databases.

In the meantime I need to get busy with Christmas, and keep taking one day at a time.


  1. Please, please, please get a second opinion. Especially if you weren't happy with his bedside manner. Even if you wait and see if the tumor grows/changes a second opinion won't hurt.

  2. Thanks so much for your comment. We are going to see the radiologist on the 17th of this month and see if that is an option. And then, yes I will look into a second opinion. As you said, it won't hurt. I have already gotten different opinions on this which is so frustating.
