Monday, February 13, 2012

Still sick

These last few days have been very stressful for me. After seeing my GP last Friday and starting antibiotics, I was hoping for things to improve. I spent all weekend analysing every symptom - was the headache worse; do I feel more nauseous. This morning I decided that no the headache wasn't worse, but yes the nausea and dizziness were definitely worse. I couldn't move without the room moving with me. I wouldn't trust my driving. So I called the clinic and spoke to a nurse who arranged for me to see my specialist.

After waiting well over an hour, and coughing on everyone in the waiting room, we finally saw him. His verdict, I am unwell. But he didn't think that it was from the radiation. He did seem slightly unsure of why I was so unwell but essentially thought it was a virus and that the tumour and treatment were exacerbating it. My specialist was a little concerned about my bp (160/100) but in the context of being unwell he didn't want to do anything about it.

So I am just to keep up with the cold and flu remedies, take some stematil for the dizziness, and rest. If I'm still no better by Thursday I will go back to see him and start on steroids then.

I am hugely relieved that my brain is not swelling and about to burst out of my nostrils. I am struggling a lot with not knowing whether something is caused by the radiation, or some terrible side effect is going to happen. Nevertheless, I will try to stop thinking about it and just focus on beating this virus.

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